mardi 5 avril 2016

Jessica Alba talks about her Mexican roots + why her daughters might not easily identify as Latinas

In a new interview with Parents Latina Magazine, Jessica Alba answered a few questions about her Latina background.

How her Mexican heritage has impacted her motherhood:
"My heritage is all about family, which always comes first. And respect for yourself and for your elders is something that I’m passing on to my daughters."

On why her daughters might not identify as Latinas despite Jessica always identifying herself as such:

"I grew up around my Mexican-American grandparents. My grandmother was an incredibly strong woman and a great inf luence on me. I was also surrounded by tíos and tías at a lot of family events. My kids don’t have that constant proximity. I make sure they know where they came from and that they spend time with their relatives, but they’re not surrounded by it all the time. We have different cultures in the house."

When asked if her daughters speak Spanish:

"They know how to ask for besos and leche! They are going to be global citizens and will need to understand many languages, including Spanish, to make a difference in the world."

Read the whole interview at the source.

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