vendredi 22 août 2014

‘Game Of Thrones’ Fans: George R.R. Martin Is About To Kill More Of Your Favorite Characters

George RR Martin

Warning: This Article Hints At Some Spoilers

Game of Thrones fans, beware: author George R.R. Martin is about to kill more of your favorite characters, according to Variety .

As fans of the acclaimed HBO series, and the original book series (officially known as A Song Of Ice And Fire), know all too well, no character is safe. Martin has already killed off several beloved characters (and plenty of characters that we loved to hate), and more character deaths are coming.

Martin is currently working on the sixth book of the series, The Winds Of Winter, which will be followed by the seventh, and final book, A Prayer For Spring. As the characters enter the final two chapters of the series, it looks like some of their stories are going to end, by necessity.

In London Tuesday evening, Martin told his audience:

“The way my books are structured, everyone was together, then they all went their separate ways and the story deltas out like that. And now it’s getting to the point where the story is beginning to delta back in. The viewpoint characters are meeting up with each other and being in the same point at the same time … which gives me a lot more flexibility for killing people.”

Martin’s love of killing characters became apparent to TV viewers – TV viewers who hadn’t read the books, that is – famously in the episode Season 3 that has come to be known as the “Red Wedding.” The reactions of surprised viewers seeing the high body count in that episode, including the deaths of at least three well-loved characters, became an internet sensation last year (see this Inquisitr article).

Hopefully some of those reaction videos were filmed by people who had read the book and knew about the carnage that was coming. The episode also gave rise the the internet joke, “Why doesn’t George R.R. Martin use Twitter? Because he already killed off all 140 characters.” Actually, Martin does use Twitter, but he just started a few months ago.

As Martin enters into the home stretch of the books, over in TV-Land, production is currently taking place on Season 5 of the HBO series. Producers have said that it will drawn from A Feast for Crows and A Dance With Dragons.

Do you think George R.R. Martin is deliberately torturing his fans by killing off so many characters? Let us know what you think in the Comments.

Image courtesy of: Business Insider

‘Game Of Thrones’ Fans: George R.R. Martin Is About To Kill More Of Your Favorite Characters is a post from: The Inquisitr News

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