jeudi 21 août 2014

Hey! These 16 Foods Look Like Iggy Azalea!

Iggy versus burnt sausage

The summer may be coming to an end, but Iggy Azalea’s “Fancy” is still burning up the charts, and “Black Widow” is on the rise. Neither of those is too important, though, when you consider just how much these 14 foods look like Iggy Azalea.

Iggy Azalea has gotten a lot of praise and a lot of criticism, with those in the former camp saying she’s broadened the horizons of hip-hop and those in the latter saying she’s faking it to make it. Very few people, though, have said anything about how Iggy sometimes looks like a pair of burnt sausages.

Iggy Azalea or burnt sausage

Who wore it better? Iggy Azalea or a pair of burnt sausages?

The sausage comparison comes to us by way of – what else? – Tumblr and the Food That Looks Like Iggy Azalea blog. It’s an “art blog” that tackles the very serious sociological issue of just how very much America’s imported Aussie pop darling sometimes looks like three slices of ham stacked atop each other.

Iggy Azalea and ham

Iggy Azalea or three slices of ham: which has had a bigger impact on hip-hop?

This is important work, as the question of Iggy’s contribution to the world of hip-hop has already been solved: she makes none. What still remains to be answered, though, is what contribution Azalea will have to the community of people that look like clam chowder.

Iggy Azalea and chowder

When Iggy Azalea pronounces “chowder,” does she adopt a Boston accent to do so? The American people demand to know.

And what of the people that look like a medium fry from McDonald’s? When will Iggy address the struggles of her true people in her songs? The world awaits a response.

Iggy Azalea and McDonald's fries

Really, Iggy Azalea’s music, one could argue, has a good deal in common with McDonald’s french fries: popular, initially pleasing, and you feel totally guilty upon realizing what you just consumed.

It’s all in good fun, even as the “Black Widow” rapper battles accusations of a lack of authenticity and squashes beefs with other female rappers. The Food That Looks Like Iggy Azalea blog has tons of these images, though, so you may want to pop on over if this sort of thing tickles your fancy.

Winner: Burnt pizza, though we appreciate Iggy's effort. The Jell-O almost pulls this one off, but Iggy's looking fierce in... whatever that is. Winner: Iggy Azalea. No comment. Winner: Iggy Azalea. We want to celebrate Iggy's daring in wearing all leopard, but we've got to call this one a tie. Iggy Azalea wins hands-down. It's rare to find another rapper like Iggy. Get it? Rare? Winner: uncooked steak. Nothing beats a creamsicle. Not even Iggy Azalea. Winner: Creamsicle. Iggy tries to spit, but the apple core is, well, more hard core. Winner: apple core. Okay, we'll admit this one is just a bit mean. Winner: Iggy Azalea. Winner: Bag of Milk. Winner: whatever that pie or cake is. Winner: Iggy Azalea

Hey! These 16 Foods Look Like Iggy Azalea! is a post from: The Inquisitr News

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