mercredi 26 octobre 2016

Meet the Dubai Women Fighting Their Way to Fitness

The first episode of this year's Fighting Fit Dubai aired tonight with 30 men and women embarking on a journey to physical and mental fitness, self defense and much more. After eight grueling weeks of training, the Red team and Blue team will show audiences what they're made of in a Fight Night showdown at Dubai's Emirates Golf Club on November 11 (so book your tickets). Catch the rest of the intense challenges, tears and tantrums in the following weeks on OSN Sport 4, but for now, you can get to know this season's ladies in the gallery.

If the series sparks your interest, learn more about the benefits of boxing today!

FFD_PROMO_1_VIMEO_HD_161020 from Nomad on Vimeo.

FFD_PROMO_2_VIMEO_HD_161020 from Nomad on Vimeo.

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