lundi 17 octobre 2016

Sheikh Mohammed Invited Students to a UAE Cabinet Meeting and This Was the Outcome

Earlier this month he visited his daughter's school, undoubtedly making her the most popular girl in class. And on Sunday Sheikh Mohammed spent more time with students, this time inviting them to see first hand how their country's government works. The Prime Minister of the UAE shared snaps of his visit with boys and girls both young and old and it wasn't just the kids who got something valuable from the occasion.

"We held a cabinet meeting today at the Fatima bint Mubarak school in Ras Al Khaimah. I invited some of the school's top students to join us," he wrote on Twitter. "Being joined by the students reminded us of our commitment to build for them. Their focus on scientific excellence is our nation's future."

And the topics discussed weren't light either; Sheikh Mohammed revealed that they got some serious work done while in RAK and the youngsters were the first to hear about it.

"During the meeting we discussed the plan to accelerate our work towards National Agenda with a 550-strong government task force in 36 teams," he explained. "The National Agenda includes 52 specific targets which comprise the goals we have set for government to ensure the happiness of our people. We also approved a wide-ranging agreement with the USA to cooperate in the peaceful exploration of space technologies."

Wow, go team! Check out the Dubai Royal sharing a snack and chatting to thrilled students in the gallery.

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