samedi 9 mai 2015

بالفيديو تعلّم كيف تضخم عضلاتك بوزن جسمك

شرح بالفيديو لمجموعة تدريبات لزيادة حجم العضلات باستخدام وزن الجسم.

vendredi 8 mai 2015

كيف تحترف فن صناعة النكتة

أن تقول شيئاً مضحكاً، فهذا ليس صعباً، لكن كيفية صياغة النكات هي ما تجعل أحدهم مضحكاً على الدوام .فصناعة النكتة تعتمد على فهمك للظروف التي حولك والناس الذين ستلقي نكاتك عليهم. نقترح عليكم خطوات صناعة نكتة يتفق عليها كل صانعو الكوميديا في العالم :

jeudi 7 mai 2015

خدع نفسية تجبر جسمك على فقدان الوزن

نصائح مفيدة يستعرضها موقع BBC من عالم النفس "إريك روبنسون" للتغلب على الجوع وخداع العقل للمحافظة على وزن الجسم والنظام الغذائي.

mercredi 6 mai 2015

بــــــ6 حيل تخلص من كرشك بدبلوماسية

بروز البطن (الكرش) يُسبب للرجل الإحراج لأنه، مهما اقتنى من ملابس فاخرة، فكل ذلك ينتهي بالفشل مع بروز البطن من هذه الملابس، الأمر ليس صعباً لتتخلص من هذه البطن، ولكن عليك اتباع عدة خطوات يومية لتحافظ على رشاقة جسدك.

mardi 5 mai 2015

بتمرينات بسيطة تخلّص من آلام الظهر القاتلة

آلام الظهر مزعجة، وقد تحدث بسبب النوم في أوضاع خاطئة أو الجلوس كثيراً، وللتغلب عليها فالمطلوب منك بضع دقائق يومياً لممارسة التمارين التي لا تحتاج الكثير من الجهد أو الأدوات، ما يعني إمكانية أدائها في مكتبك أثناء فترات الراحة.

lundi 4 mai 2015

تخلّص من آلام العضلات بعد التمرينات بهذه الخطوات

التمرينات الرياضية مهمة من أجل أن نعيش حياة أصح ونحصل على جسم رياضي يساعدنا في العيش بصورة أفضل، ولكن مع تنوع التمرينات الرياضية وممارستها بشكل كثير يصاب ممارسيها بإرهاق وآلام في العضلات، من أجل أن تتغلب على تلك الإصابة يجب عليك أن تتبع بعض التعليمات.

dimanche 3 mai 2015

إخدع أصدقائك وتحوّل لبطل فيلم رعب بهذا المكياج

إذا كنت من هواة صناعة الأفلام المستقلة وترغب في صناعة فيلم رعب أو ممن يحبون صناعة الأقنعة المرعبة، إليك خطوات استخدام المكياج لتصبح أحد أبطال الرعب.

كيف تحمي نفسك من خطر الإشعاعات أثناء استخدام الجوال

هل تخاف من موبايلك المحمول؟.. ربما لديك الحق في هذه المخاوف، لكن يمكنك تجنب مخاطر هذا الجهاز بحماية نفسك عن طريق اتباع نصائح بسيطة سهلة التطبيق.

vendredi 1 mai 2015

إحصل على نتائج أقوى لتمرينات بناء عضلات الصدر بهذه التعديلات

6 نصائح بسيطة لتعديل التمارين الرياضية الخاصة بعضلات الصدر بهدف الاستفادة منها بطريقة أفضل وزيادة قدرة العضلات على التحمل.

jeudi 30 avril 2015

كيف تحمي محادثاتك على الواتس آب من التجسس

مجموعة من النصائح تمكن مستخدمي الـ"واتس آب" من الحفاظ على سرية مراسلاتهم الشخصية على التطبيق.

10 مؤشرات تحذرك من الإصابة بالسرطان

تغيرات بسيطة يشهدها جسدك دون أن تلتفت لها، قد تكون إشارة إلى بداية تسلل السرطان.

mercredi 29 avril 2015

5 تمرينات Kettlebell لعضلات مفتولة

5 تمارين رياضية تعمل على إعادة التوازن للجسم وتضخيم العضلات من خلال تركيز كل تمرين على عضلة واحدة فقط.

lundi 27 avril 2015

إحصل على عضلات كتفين ثلاثية الأبعاد بهذه التمرينات

تدريبات رياضية مميزة لتمرين عضلات الكتف من أكثر من زاوية لتصبح في صلابة الصخرة.

dimanche 26 avril 2015

حسّن من أداء فيسبوك ماسينجر بهذه الحيل

نصائح هامة لاستخدام تطبيق التراسل الفوري الخاص بشبكة "فيسبوك" بطريقة أفضل وأكثر فاعلية.

كيف تعرف أنك بحاجة فورية للنوم

بجانب التثاؤب، فإن الجسم يعطي المزيد من الإشارات التي تؤكد حاجته للنوم. أهم هذه الإشارات يعرضها لنا موقع prevention.

vendredi 24 avril 2015

كيف تطرد الماء من جسمك وتبرز عضلاتك

بعيدا عن طرق التخلص من الدهون المعتادة، إليك طرق مبتكرة، وبسيطة أيضا، لخفض نسبة السوائل داخل الجسم والتي ستساعد فيما بعد في إظهار العضلات بشكل بارز ومميز.

إعرف ماذا تأكل عندما تصاب بالمرض

إذا أصابك بعض البرد أو وعكة صحية، فبالتأكيد لن تريد أن تأكل أو تشرب شيئا يزيد من سوء الوضع، والأهم هو تناول أشياء مضادة تساعد على تعافيك سريعا.

lundi 20 avril 2015

Jon Stewart Quit ‘The Daily Show’ Because He Is Sick Of ‘Turd Mining’ and ‘Fox News’

Jon Stewart

Jon Stewart spent almost 17-years hosting The Daily Show. Now, two months after his announcing his decision to quit the popular show, Stewart has decided it is time to explain his decision. Stewart has opened up to Hadley Freeman from the Guardian to explain his reasons for quitting the satirical news program, and why he chose to quit now when there is a U.S. election on the horizon.

The Daily Mail reports that Jon Stewart told the Guardian he was quitting because he was sickened and depressed by American politics and by spending his time watching cable TV news channels. Stewart admitted that he was excited by the prospect of not having to watch 24-hour news any longer.

“Watching these channels all day is incredibly depressing. I live in a constant state of depression. I think of us as turd miners. I put on my helmet, I go and mine turds, hopefully I don’t get turd lung disease.”

Jon Stewart is clearly not a fan the Fox News network, for whom he reserved a special level of scorn, saying that he would turn it off even if it offered hope of help for his family in the midst of a nuclear winter.

“Let’s say that it’s a nuclear winter, and I have been wandering, and there appears to be a flickering light through what appears to be a radioactive cloud and I think that light might be a food source that could help my family.”

“I might glance at it for a moment until I realize, that’s Fox News, and then I [would] shut it off.”

According to Washington Post, Stewart also felt jaded by “the shows format that is geared towards following an increasingly redundant process, which is our political process.”

The combination of factors simply left Jon Stewart feeling that he had gone as far as he could with The Daily Show and that his “moments of dissatisfaction” were becoming more frequent. He admitted that the shows format still worked but that he was getting less personal satisfaction from it. Stewart explained that in any job you have periods of dissatisfaction, but when the cycles get longer and more frequent thats when you should realise it is time to move on.

In a typical self-effacing style, Jon Stewart admitted that the the The Daily Show will continue to be a success without him fronting it.

“The value of this show is so much deeper than my contribution, If Oprah can leave and the world still spins, I honestly think it will survive me.”

The world will keep turning but Jon Stewart will be missed by many.

[hoto by Roger L. Wollenberg-Pool/Getty Images]

Jon Stewart Quit ‘The Daily Show’ Because He Is Sick Of ‘Turd Mining’ and ‘Fox News’ is an article from: The Inquisitr News

Ben Powers Dies: Good Times Actor Was 64

Ben Powers, best known as Keith Anderson on Good Times, has died.  He was 64.

Ben Powers

Though Powers was mostly known for portraying the football player husband of Thelma Evans, he starred in other series.  He played Mooches on The New Mike Hammer with Stacey Keach.  And he appeared in various guest roles on shows such as Gimme A Break, Laverne & Shirley, The New Odd Couple, and The Great American Hero.

Outside of TV, he also starred in feature films including Cheech and Chong’s Next Movie, Things are Tough All Over, and The Man Who Loved Women.

Alton A. “Ben” Powers was born in Brooklyn, NY, on Jul 5, 1950.  He was raised in Providence, RI, where he sang in his church choir.  Later, he attended the Rhode Island School of Design.

Ben began his acting career at Trinity Repertory Theatre in Providence.  He sang and did impressions in comedy routines until a Hollywood agent discovered him.

He moved on to perform at Playboy Clubs in New York, Los Angeles, and Boston.

Eventually, his Playboy Club gigs lead to his breakthrough role on NBC’s Rowan and Martin’s Laugh-In.

A May 3 memorial is planned in Providence.

View Slideshow: Celebrities We Lost in 2015

2015 American Country Music Awards Was Special For Taylor Swift (Complete Winners List)

The pictures here are from when Taylor Swift won Favorite Female Artist at the 38th annual Country Music Awards in 2010. Last night was the 2015 American Country Music Awards (43rd annual awards, if you’re keeping count), but something tells me the night was equally special- if not more so- for Taylor Swift. Find out […]<br/><br/>The post 2015 American Country Music Awards Was Special For Taylor Swift (Complete Winners List) appeared first on Celeb Gossip, Celeb News and Celeb Pictures by I'm Not Obsessed.

Naomi Watts & Liev Schreiber Celebrate 50 Years of the LACMA

Naomi Watts and her partner Liev Schreiber couple up for the 2015 LACMA Gala sponsored by Christies on Saturday evening (April 18) in Los Angeles. The 46-year-old actress was joined at the event by Anjelica Huston, Armie Hammer with his wife Elizabeth Chambers, Dustin Hoffman, Jim Carrey, Julie Bowen, Laura Dern, Ryan Seacrest, and Liberty [...]

Real Housewives of Atlanta Season Finale: What Did Apollo Nida Say in His Surprise Call from Prison?

Nida made a surprise call from prison, and delivered an emotional plea

Love Rihanna? Make Sparkly 'Diamonds' and 'Umbrella' Cupcakes

JK Denim's delicious treats may take a little longer than fourfiveseconds to decorate, but they're worth it!

Get a Head-to-Toe Workout with Just One Move

Celeb trainer Erin Oprea shares her twist on the traditional burpee

Kendra Wilkinson: Struggling To Forgive Cheating Husband

Sometimes apologies aren’t enough.  And a year after Hank Baskett cheated on Kendra Wilkinson with Ava Sabrina London, a transsexual model, Wilkinson admits she has struggled forgiving Baskett.

Watch It with Kendra and Hank Clip - I Am Pissed!

She admits she had “no idea what forgiveness even meant” after the scandal broke.

In a recent episode of Watch It With Kendra and Hank, Kendra relives the aftermath of her husband’s scandal.

“I don’t want him gone. I want my answers. Every human being deserves closure,” the former Playboy model tells her therapist.

Get your answers, Kendra.  Then, kick him to the curb.

Wilkinson later says to her husband, “I had just had a baby. I was crazy. I was hormonal. I didn’t know what the f**k was going on.”

She adds, “I am angry and I am frustrated and I have every right to be.”

Hopefully, Kendra doesn’t spend much time blaming her post-baby hormones.  Her husband hooked up with another person.  She should be p*ssed, not defending herself.

View Slideshow: Kendra Wilkinson and Hank Baskett: In Happier Times

Blake Lively In Monique Lhuillier – ‘The Age of Adaline’ New York Premiere

Blake Lively In Monique Lhuillier - 'The Age of Adaline' New York Premiere

Blake Lively made a dramatic return to the red carpet for ‘The Age of Adaline’ premiere at AMC Loews Lincoln Square 13 theatre on Sunday (April 19) in New York City.

The gorgeous actress swept across the red carpet, looking breath-taking wearing a Monique Lhuillier Fall 2012 red gown with lace and leather accented bodice.

This is Blake at her very best; enchanting with a hint of sex appeal, while presenting an old Hollywood glamour image, with glossy waves and Lorraine Schwartz jewels enhancing the look.

I am slightly baffled by the Judith Leiber ‘Koi Fish’ Swarovski-crystal clutch, but I am not going to let anything take away the excitement of Blake’s return to the red carpet.


You can buy Blake’s Judith Leiber Koi Fish Swarovski-Crystal Clutch from
Neiman Marcus and
Blake Lively in Monique Lhuillier Blake Lively in Monique Lhuillier Blake Lively in Monique Lhuillier Blake Lively's Judith Leiber Koi Fish Swarovski-Crystal Clutch Blake Lively in Monique Lhuillier Blake Lively in Monique Lhuillier

Credit: & Getty

Cubs Fan Catches Foul Ball in Beer Cup, Celebrates with Impressive Chug

Note to unnamed Cubs fan featured in the following video:

We don't know you. We've obviously never met you. But we have just one simple, somewhat personal question for you:

Will you marry us?

Cubs Fan Catch Foul Ball in Beer, CHUGS

The above footage features a young woman in attendance at the Padres-Cubs game on Sunday.

When a ball was fouled off into the stands, not only did this woman catch it in her cup of beer... but she celebrated by raising that cup up high and chugging it dry.

Coolest. Sports. Fan. Ever.

The Cubs lost the game 5-2 after supposed ace Jon Lester struggled once again on the mound.

But we can all agree that anyone who watches this awesome fan in action is clearly a big winner.

View Slideshow: 31 Fanatic Sports Videos

Rachel Lehnardt, Naked Twister Mom, Defended By Daughter on Twitter

Rachel Lehnardt's daughter is coming to her defense after her mom was recently arrested for throwing her an alcohol- and drug-fueled naked Twister party.

That does sound pretty awesome ... well, except that it was for teens.

Naked Twister Mom

The Evans, Ga., Naked Twister Mom is receiving support from her 16-year-old teenage daughter, the eldest of her five children, following her arrest.

Her defense? Everyone screws up once in awhile!

"Yes my mom was arrested," Lehnardt's eldest child wrote via Twitter. "Yes she made some mistakes. Yes she is an alcoholic. Yea I've f--ked up too."

"But nobody deserves this s--t. So stop."

According to multiple media reports, Lehnardt got down on her hands and knees to play some Twister with her daughters' friends, buck arse naked.

The former Mormon Sunday school teacher and bridal shop employee also gave out marijuana and alcohol, and used sex toys in front of everyone.

What's more, Rachel reportedly passed out in her bed, and when she woke up from her daze, she found a high school student having sex with her.

The daughter clarified in her tweets that it was not her boyfriend, as media outlets initially reported, and said her mom was as much the victim there:

"Everyone screwed up at some point. She was passed out drunk and he was wasted [off] his ass. She didn't have sex with a 16-year-old she was raped by one [sic]."

A seriously allegation, but the unidentified male has not been charged with rape because there's yet to be any evidence to confirm the sexual encounter.

For now, Rachel is trying to move on from the incident, posting $3,200 bond and currently reaching out to her local Alcoholics Anonymous groups.

Probably not the worst idea.

View Slideshow: 35 Questionable Parenting Moves

2015 ACM Awards Red Carpet Roundup

2015 ACM Awards Red Carpet Roundup

Here is a roundup of the rest of the attendees of the 50th Academy Of Country Music Awards at AT&T Stadium on Sunday (April 19) in Arlington, Texas.

Kimberly Perry: The singer looked beautiful, continuing the sheer trendby wearing a nude Michael Cinco Spring 2015 Couture beaded gown, effortlessly styled with an Amanda Pearl clutch, with beachy waves and minimal makeup providing the finishing touches.

Beth Behrs: The actress was equally enchanting, wearing a Christian Siriano Spring 2015 open-back gown, which is steeped in elegance despite the semi bodice.

Jana Kramer: The singer was smouldering hot, wearing a black and white sequined Jay Godfrey Spring 2015 gown which was one of my favourites on the night. Simple styling and blown out tresses perfected the look.

2015 ACM Awards Red Carpet Roundup 2

Kellie Pickler: The singer wore a champagne hued Lorena Sarbu Pre-Fall 2015 halter gown, which also featured a beaded bodice. The look was styled with CSARITE® by Erica Courtney and Swarovski’s New Power Crystal clutch. My issue with this look is that it feels really dated. This could be a picture from 10 years ago. Her style has never really evolved.

Mickey Guyton: The country singer injected a summery vibe into this red carpet, wearing an Oscar de la Renta Resort 2014 dress, which I love for how it infuses plaid with a vibrant floral print.

2015 ACM Awards Red Carpet Roundup 3

Hillary Scott: The singer donned a Badgley Mischka faux wrap cobalt blue halter dress, infused with some flamenco spirit courtesy of the cascading ruffles.

Sofia Vegara: Joining her ‘Hot Pursuit’ co-star Reese Witherspoon, Sofia also opted not to wear a gown, selecting a figure enhancing peplum gown styled with Norman Silverman jewels and Louboutin pumps. I would’ve loved to have seen her in a summery hue.

Cassadee Pope: Standing out in her red and black Badgley Mischka Fall 2015 high low gown, I love that she injected some fun accessories into her look.

Credit: Getty

Gwyneth Paltrow, Chris Martin To Divorce

Gwyneth Paltrow fails food stamp challenge

Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin are setting up to get a divorce, according to a source talking to Grazia magazine. The source has said that both Paltrow and Martin came to the decision after remaining on amicable terms after deciding to “consciously uncouple” over 10 months ago. Both Paltrow and Martin recent took a trip to Mexico with their children, where they decided to officially divorce, according to the source.

“They decided to finally bite the bullet, with the support of their conscious uncoupling guru. They both felt the time had come to move forward with their new relationships. They’ve decided to draw up a ‘family schedule’, which they will both have to adhere to once the divorce is finalised. It will include at least three family holidays a year, designated joint days out with the kids and even ‘date nights’ to discuss the children and remain on good terms. Both Jennifer and Brad are expected to be in attendance at Apple’s 11th birthday next month.

“”[They] have been struggling to move forward with their relationship because she couldn’t handle always coming second to Gwyneth. She put a huge amount of pressure on Chris to make a statement to show his commitment to her, which he wasn’t prepared to do until now.”

The news of the divorce comes hot on the heels of Gyneth Paltrow’s attempt at using the “Food Stamp Challenge” for a week, and only spending $29 on food for her for an entire week. Paltrow took the $29 to the supermarket and came home with a dozen eggs, black beans and brown rice, and a variety of fruits and vegetables including seven limes. Apparently, no healthy and nutritious meat products were purchased at all. Paltrow took to her GOOP blog in order to break the news.

“As I suspected, we only made it through about four days, when I personally broke and had some chicken and fresh vegetables (and in full transparency, half a bag of black licorice). My perspective has been forever altered by how difficult it was to eat wholesome, nutritious food on that budget, even for just a few days — a challenge that 47 million Americans face every day, week, and year.”

However, instead of trying to reflect on her failure to complete the full week living just on food stamps, Gwyneth Paltrow decided to deflect onto the pay gap between men and women in the workplace.

“I am even more outraged that there is still not equal pay in the workplace. Sorry to go on a tangent, but many hardworking mothers are being asked to do the impossible: Feed their families on a budget which can only support food businesses that provide low-quality food. The food system in our beautiful country needs to be subjected to a heavy revision — it is a cyclical problem, with repercussions that we all feel. I’m not suggesting everyone eat organic food from some high horse in the sky. I’m saying everyone should be able to afford fresh, real food. And if women were paid an equal wage, families might have more of a choice in the grocery aisles, not to mention in the rest of their lives.”

[Photo Gwyneth Paltrow from]

Gwyneth Paltrow, Chris Martin To Divorce is an article from: The Inquisitr News

Taylor Swift In Reem Acra – 2015 ACM Awards

Taylor Swift In Reem Acra - 2015 ACM Awards

Skipping the red carpet, Taylor Swift was spotted inside the AT&T Stadium for the 50th Academy Of Country Music Awards on Sunday (April 19) in Arlington, Texas, where she accepted the Milestone Award.

The singer wore a light-blue Reem Acra Spring 2015 gown, which successfully marries elegance with contemporary edginess.

The cut-outs highlight her slender silhouette, with the embroidery adding a touch of shimmer.

I really wish her Brian Atwood ‘Tribeca’ platform sandals would’ve been silver, as her Luna Rossa diamond earrings and Doves by Doron Paloma diamond ring were the perfect complements to her gown, otherwise this was a near perfect look for Taylor.

Taylor Swift in Reem Acra Taylor Swift in Reem Acra Taylor Swift in Reem Acra

Credit: Getty

Kim Richards: Was She Off the Wagon All Season?!

Is Kim Richards sober as a judge or a raging alcoholic pill-popper?

That question has been asked by pretty much everyone, whether you watch The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills online, star on the show or work on its crew.

The answer? That all depends on who you ask apparently.

Kim Richards on Set

Some cast and production crew members say the former child star's protestations throughout the past season that she is sober are downright laughable.

Kim's sister Kyle Richards, Lisa Vanderpump and Yolanda Foster tried to simply look the other way in order to avoid confrontation (or at least try).

New cast members and soap opera stars Lisa Rinna and Eileen Davidson decided to get in her face about it, though, as we saw several times (below).

So is she off the wagon or not? The evidence is actually thin.

Anecdotally, she seems to be a mess. Sources say Kim wouldn't drink or take drugs where anyone could see her, so there is no smoking gun.

However, she would appear to be clean one moment, then disappear into a restroom or somewhere out of sight and emerge ... less than sober.

Other sources close to the production say Kim has done better controlling her addiction last season, which could mean this is all hyped up for ratings.

Would be shocking, right? A scripted reality TV show?!

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills: EPIC FIGHT!

As for Brandi Glanville, Kim apologists claim she is one of them, and one of the few stars on Kim's side. Kim critics say Brandi knows she's off the wagon.

Would be shocking, right? Brandi playing both sides.

Even before Kim Richards was arrested for public drunkenness last week, her sobriety became an issue when her dog viciously attacked Kyle's daughter.

After that happened, her camp sent a dog trainer to Kim's house to assess the situation, but Kim was such a mess, the dog trainer had to help put her to bed.

As for what drove her to drink and kick a cop in Beverly Hills, there are a whole mess of theories, including that she couldn't handle watching her show's reunion.

Either way, we really hope she gets it together, and soon.

Otherwise, the topic of whether or not she returns to the show next season is the least of Kim's concerns, and ours, in the coming months.

The situation is not what you'd call good by any means.

View Slideshow: 19 Really Big Real Housewives Scandals

Miranda Lambert In Bibhu Mohapatra – 2015 ACM Awards

50th Academy Of Country Music Awards - Arrivals

Miranda Lambert attended the 50th Academy Of Country Music Awards at AT&T Stadium on Sunday (April 19) in Arlington, Texas.

The country singer shut down the red carpet with her Bibhu Mohapatra Fall 2015 silver flowing gown, featuring both a side slit and eye-popping cleavage.

While I like the idea of the gown and this sexier direction for Miranda, I am not a fan of the bodice, as the illusion panels cheapen the look and the zipper at the back totally destroys it.

Kimberly Mcdonald jewels, silver accessories and a pop of pink lippie completed her look.


Miranda Lambert in Bibhu Mohapatra Miranda Lambert in Bibhu Mohapatra Miranda Lambert in Bibhu Mohapatra

Credit: & Getty

Bill Pullman, Judd Hirsch Return For ‘Independence Day 2’

Independence Day 2

Director Roland Emmerich has confirmed that both Bill Pullman and Judd Hirsch will be returning for Independence Day 2, joining Vivica A. Fox as the third original cast member from Independence Day to be performing in the sequel, according to several reports. Emmerich took to his Twitter account to break the news to his followers and fans of the film. The news comes almost a month after Emmerich took to his Twitter account to announce the return of Fox, as The Inquisitr has previously reported. After the announcements, Fox took to her Twitter account in order to say how “blessed” she felt in order to be a part of the movie.

In the original instalment of Independence Day, Fox took on the role of Jasmine Dubrow, who was the love interest of Will Smith’s character, Steve. Jasmine was a single mother and, in order to provide for her young son, she worked as a pole dancer. At the end of the movie, Jasmine married Steve but the state of their marriage remains unclear during the sequel as Smith has said that he won’t be returning for Independence Day 2.

Pullman will be back as the former President Thomas J. Whitmore, last seen giving rallying speeches and slipping back into fighter pilot togs to take the fight to the extra-terrestrial threat. Hirsch played Julius Levinson, father to Jeff Goldblum’s David, who is also back. And Fox is Jasmine Dubrow, mother of Jessie Usher’s Dylan, the son of Will Smith’s character (Smith is still not set to return, unless Emmerich is planning a cameo).

With a script that features input from Emmerich, Dean Devlin, James Vanderbilt, James A. Woods and Nicolas Wright, Independence Day 2 will be out on June 24 next year. Aside from the four returning stars (including Jeff Goldblum), a new set of stars, namely Charlotte Gainsbourg, Liam Hensworth and Jessie Usher are set to join the cast.

The film’s plot is still largely under wraps, but we do know that the aliens will be back to cause problems, presumably in retaliation for what occurred during the events of the first film. Despite the several changes that the director shared two years ago, a recent report said that there might have been some tweaks since the interview. It also affirmed that the sequel will be called ID Forever and will feature a new wave of aliens invading 20 years after the first installment.

[Image via Twentieth Century Fox]

Bill Pullman, Judd Hirsch Return For ‘Independence Day 2’ is an article from: The Inquisitr News

The Real Ones!

Real Ones also known as Reelones, is a Folk/rock band from Bergen, Norway, which was formed in 1994 when the members were 14 and 15 years of age. Band members include Ivar Vogt (vocals, guitar, ukelele, saxophone), Jørgen Sandvik (vocals, guitar, banjo, sitar), Kåre Opheim (drums, backing vocals), Øystein Skjælaaen (bass, backing vocals), and David [...]

Jennifer Morrison Reveals Her Coachella Must-Haves

Jennifer Morrison shows a little back while hitting the red carpet at the premiere of Warning Labels held during the 2015 Tribeca Film Festival at Regal Battery Park 11 on Saturday (April 18) in New York City. The 36-year-old actress recently opened up about her must-have Coachella essentials. “I got Purell, sunblock, Chapstick, Tylenol, cold [...]

Bruce Jenner to Diane Sawyer: I Can't Hurt My Family

ABC has released another teaser for Bruce Jenner: The Interview.

A week after giving us a look at Jenner speaking out for the first time about his rumored sex change (telling Diane Sawyer that my "whole life has been getting me ready for this"), the network has now unveiled a preview that features Bruce going into detail about what matters most:

His family.

Bruce Jenner Interview Preview

"Those are the only ones I'm concerned with," Jenner says of his children in the above footage. "I can't let myself hurt them."

Jenner will sit down with Sawyer this Frida at 9/8c for a wildly-anticipated Q&A.

The biological father of six children and the stepfather of Kourtney, Kim, Khloe and Rob Kardashian, it’s unclear how much support Jenner actually has from his kids.

According to at least one report, Khloe is the only member of the Kardashian clan to truly stand by Bruce through this ordeal.

Sons Brody and Brandon are allegedly on their dad’s side, with Brandon even set to appear on this week’s ABC special.

However, neither Kendall Jenner nor Kylie Jenner will be featured in the Sawyer sit-down.

Speaking to the latest issue of GQ, Kendall said all talk about her father's sex change is "bullsh-t," adding:

"I don’t even know what they’re talking about, so I have no idea."

Does this mean Kendall is in denial? That the sex change isn't actually happenings? Guess we'll need to tune in ti ABC this Friday night to find out.

View Slideshow: 17 Photos of Bruce Jenner Looking Sort of Like a Woman

Reese Witherspoon In David Koma – 2015 ACM Awards

Reese Witherspoon In David Koma - 2015 ACM Awards

Reese Witherspoon attended the 50th Academy Of Country Music Awards at AT&T Stadium on Sunday (April 19) in Arlington, Texas.

The ‘Hot Pursuit’ actress turned things up a notch wearing a David Koma Fall 2015 mirror and crystal embroidered a-line dress, which feels more like a Grammy dress than a country music awards dress, but I’m thankful to see something different on this red carpet – and edgier from Reese.

I like elements of the styling: the shoes and the jewellery, but I really would’ve liked to have seen Reese crank up that notch one more dial by doing something different with her hair, taking it from her usual day-to-day to sleek and sexy.

Reese Witherspoon in David Koma Reese Witherspoon in David Koma Reese Witherspoon in David Koma

Credit: & Getty