mardi 5 juillet 2016

Weight Loss Affects Fertility While ‘Eating Pasta Doesn’t Make You Fat,’ Studies Say

Weight Loss Affects Fertility While 'Eating Pasta Doesn't Make You Fat,' Studies Say

Weight loss isn’t just a factor in good health. It may also affect fertility. Women who are obese have more difficulty getting pregnant says a new study.

Science Daily reported that women who are obese are at a greater risk for infertility, and it has been reported in multiple studies. Ovulating subfertile women who had a body mass index of 29 had a four percent less chance of getting pregnant. Women who were ovulating who had a body mass below 29 had a better chance of getting pregnant and had fewer perinatal complications. Although these results are good news for women who are struggling to get pregnant, they haven’t been proven in large randomized controlled studies.

As previously reported in Inquisitr, there are many factors involved in effective weight loss including childhood trauma. In a study released from Harvard, childhood trauma may have an influence on those who are struggling to lose weight. Physical, sexual and verbal abuse may cause women to pack on the pounds as a way of coping with the abandonment and abuse. For those who have tried everything else to lose weight, looking at childhood traumas may be a way of finding the answers in losing weight.

The first major trial on the effects of obesity on fertility was published earlier this year. In that study, it didn’t find a link between healthy births and weight loss. The study, done in the Netherlands, followed 290 women assigned to a lifestyle intervention program while another 287 women, the control group were given prompt infertility treatments. The weight loss in the first group was 4.4 kg while it was 1.1 kg mean weight loss. The rate of ongoing pregnancy among the first group was found to be higher though than the second group.

Science Alert reported that in a recent study, it was determined that pasta doesn’t make dieters fat. In the study, it was found that under the right circumstances, pasta wasn’t that fattening, and dieters could actually lose weight. Italian researchers studied 20,000 people and determined that pasta could actually help dieters to maintain a healthy weight too.

Foods that dieters traditionally avoid, like salt, butter and eggs are being redeemed, and now so is pasta. It’s important to eats everything in moderation. Researchers from the Neuromed Institute determined that pasta was effective in losing weight when combined with the Mediterranean diet.

Licia Iacoviello, a member of the research team said that the popular view for dieters was to avoid pasta because it’s not adequate for those who want to lose weight, but the attitude is incorrect.

“In light of this research, we can say that this is not a correct attitude. We’re talking about a fundamental component of Italian Mediterranean tradition, and there is no reason to do without it.”

Nature World News reported that there were many myths associated with weight loss and revealed which ones that doctors said were true. One of the most prevalent weight loss myths is that restrictive dieting and exercise are keys to successful weight loss. Restrictive dieting isn’t any fun, and it can lead to binging and failure.

Another myth is that weight loss leads to longer life and better health. Researchers discovered that it was a little more complicated than that because one study found that it was actually food that made the difference. Vegetarians had improved telomere protection. Based on telomere research, which deals with the aging of cells, those who ate a plant based diet had healthier telomeres and actually saw growth in them compared to those who simply lost weight for weight loss.

[Photo by Pixabay]

Weight Loss Affects Fertility While ‘Eating Pasta Doesn’t Make You Fat,’ Studies Say is an article from: The Inquisitr News

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