mercredi 31 décembre 2014

Good Morning, Kristina Sofia, And Other News

Kristina Sofia Bikini Ass

- China owns Captain America, too. Of course. [Lainey Gossip]

- The key to Miley Cyrus‘ vagina is pizza onesies. Write that down. [Fishwrapper]

- Chris Rock‘s divorce is already getting out of hand. [Dlisted]

- David Duke will name more names if people don’t leave Steve Scalise alone. [The Frisky]

- Lauren Stoner‘s in a bikini. [WWTDD]

- Play-Doh accidentally sells dick-shaped icing maker. [Death and Taxes]

- Rosie Huntington-Whiteley in lingerie, anyone? [Popoholic]

- Ruby Matthews is a girl you should know. [Hollywood Tuna]

- Giada De Laurentiis, Blowjob Queen, is single. Here are her hottest photos. [COED]

- Kayslee Collins is naked and fucking amazing. [DrunkenStepfather: Site is NSFW]

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Photos: FameFlynet

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