mardi 30 décembre 2014

Tamra Barney Judge Ripped By Ex-Husband: You Suck as a Parent!

Tamra Barney Judge insists she is a good mom. Her ex-husband Simon Barney begs to differ, to put it mildly, vowing to keep their daughter away from her.

In the latest round of their bitter custody battle, Simon filed court documents accusing Tamra of “inappropriate” anxiety that causes daughter Sidney, 16, to suffer.

He is asking, yet again, for a judge to grant him full custody of her.

In October, a judge denied Simon’s request for more custody of Sidney, and siblings Spencer, 14, and Sophia, 8. Tamra also has a grown son, Ryan Vieth.

Simon is doubling down in his efforts to protect Sidney, however, citing supposedly extreme circumstances caused by her strained relationship with her mom.

“I am in favor of a mother and daughter having a healthy relationship,” he writes. “However, I do not want to jeopardize our daughter Sidney’s health."

“Forcing Sidney to live with her mother at this time against her will may make matters worse and potentially make their relationship even more strained.”

Sidney has been living with Simon Barney since October 6, 2013, he writes, because “she felt extreme anxiety ... because of [Tamra’s] inappropriate behavior.”

In just one example, he claims, Tamra admitted in her deposition to “telling Sidney that she is no longer allowed” in her home because of her closeness with Simon.

Incidents like that and Tamra's heated texts with her daughter have caused severe “stomach cramping” that doctors diagnosed as anxiety-related.

Indeed, the duo’s 2010 divorce and the fallout has “caused [Sidney] to suffer physically, mentally and emotionally,” according to the court documents.

“Sidney was facing difficulties in public and school because of Respondent’s public portrayal on The Real Housewives of Orange County,” he writes.

“This is why I have fought to fight [sic] for custody our daughter.”

Despite Tamra’s claim that the relationship can be saved, and that parental alienation counseling sessions with Sidney had helped them, Simon is unmoved.

Barney insists, “I personally did not witness any improvement.”

What’s more, he claims the therapist was aligned with Tamra, inappropriately, and during the counseling, “Sidney did not feel the doctor was listening to her."

A new therapist was assigned, but that too has failed, he says:

"The current therapy has not shown any signs of progress… It will take more time and much more progress before any kind of amends are made between the two.”

Until then, he says Sidney should live full-time with him, and given Tamra Barney's salary of $600,000, she should be supporting him and their children.

For her part, Tamra has accused Simon Barney of neglect, and says he's the harmful one here. The couple's next hearing is in March. Buckle your seatbelts.

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