lundi 20 avril 2015

Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel Baby Photo: First, Adorable Look!

Say hello to Silas Randall Timberlake!

A week after welcoming their first child into the world, Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake took to Instagram on Sunday and unveiled the very first photo of this lucky little tyke.

It features Biel cradling her bundle of joy, along with the caption:

"The Timberlakes are ready!!! GO GRIZZ! #GritNGrind #Playoffs #BabyGrizzROAR."

View Slideshow: Celebrity Baby Photos: So Adorable!

And so far, Silas is proving to be very good luck:

The Memphis Grizzlies, a professional basketball team in which Timberlake owns a small stake, defeated the Portland Trail Blazers 100-86 last night in their 2015 playoff opener.

Justin and Jessica may be gorgeous, talented and famous... but they keep a pretty low profile for such an A-list couple.

Yes, Timberlake posted an adorable baby bump photo of Biel to announce his family's big news, but you won't be seeing these two stars and their newborn on the cover of any supermarket tabloids.

Heck, you might not even see them around Hollywood.

Recent reports suggest Biel and Timberlake may raise Silas in rural Montana, away from the paparazzi and pressure of Los Angeles.

Sounds like the sort of level-headed thing they would do, doesn't it?

We're so happy for Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel and little Silas is SO very cute!!!

View Slideshow: Celebrities Expecting Babies in 2015

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