mercredi 25 mai 2016

Lose Weight Through Science And Training The Brain To Insure Weight Loss For Good

Lose Weight Through Through Science And Training The Brain To Insure Weight Loss For Good

So many people nowadays want to lose weight and there are so many obese people. It’s hard to know what to do in order to lose weight safely and then keep it off for good. Science may hold some of the answers to helping with weight loss, and it includes training the brain.

Live Science reported that it’s important to avoid deprivation in any weight loss plan. Avoiding foods dieters enjoy can make it harder to stick to a diet and lose weight. Making small lifestyle changes makes it easier to lose weight and keep it off for good.

As previously reported by the Inquisitr, the best weight loss tips are the ones that are healthy and keep the weight off for good. Weight loss is especially important for those who are morbidly obese. In a recent scientific study, researchers discovered that losing weight helped those with type 2 diabetes to get rid of the disease, and keeping the weight off helped them keep the disease away for good.

Although exercise helped with weight loss, it wasn’t enough to help dieters lose weight. Cutting calories and avoiding fad diets helped dieters to lose weight. The problem with fad diets was that although they led to quick weight loss, they didn’t lead to long-term weight loss success.

Medical Express reported that to lose weight, it was necessary to train the brain instead of training the body. Drug research has failed to create a pill that helps dieters lose the weight and keep it off for good. The magic pill to weight loss seems to be training the brain.

This includes changing the primitive parts of the brain that include the emotional or reptilian part of the brain. Researchers chose to use neuroscience-based tools to try and alter the brain to achieve results. The method showed promising results. The first step to taking control was to focusing on reducing stress. They offered five levels of stress and then five tools to help to reduce the stress.

At the lower end of the scale for when dieters weren’t stressed, researchers suggested showing compassion by repeating several different phrases related to compassion. At the high end of the scale where dieters were under high stress, the suggestion was that dieters needed to be comforted. The easiest way to do this was rocking in a chair or doing deep breathing exercises. The goal of all the exercises was to release the stress from the brain.

Although dieters may learn how to effectively deal with the stress, there are times when the survival circuit may get triggered and lead to binge eating. The survival circuit is when the brain shifts into a mode where dieters believe that food saved them. It causes dieters to reach for food as a way to be comforted. The key to getting rid of these survival circuits is understanding that the brain can be rewired to get rid of them.

To rewire the brain it is necessary to choose the tools to make the changes rather than reaching for food. Eventually, the drive to overeat fades and dieters won’t resort to emotional eating.

To lose weight and keep it off for good, it is necessary to adjust the brain’s emotional set point. The stress is usually encoded from earlier experiences dieters may have experienced. Moving up the emotional set point allows dieters to keep the weight off and stay out of chronic stress.

[Image via Pixabay]

Lose Weight Through Science And Training The Brain To Insure Weight Loss For Good is an article from: The Inquisitr News

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