dimanche 30 novembre 2014

FKA twigs calls Robert Pattinson "the man that I love" and "100% worth it" in The Guardian interview

Robert Pattinson has joined FKA twigs in these early stages of her US tour, a sweet gesture that has unfortunately launched a grim game of cat and mouse around the city, the pair trailed everywhere by a school of paparazzi. [...] She doesn't want to go in to specifics of her romantic life (who would, after two months of gossip-page commentary?) but she says something rather lovely about the compromises required of this new relationship. I think it's worth quoting in full.

"That side of my life [the paparazzi] is nothing to do with me. That's, like… That is the… side of life of the man that I love. And… when that started happening I had to… Because that is the opposite of who I am as a person, and it was weird… Then I had to sit back and have a conversation with myself and I had to say: that is something really horrible. No, not horrible, I don't find it horrible, it's something that's very challenging. I look uncomfortable because I am uncomfortable. But then it's, like, is this person in my life worth that? And he is, without question. Do you know what I mean? In comparison to how happy I am. And how I feel with him. It's 100% worth it. Does that make sense?"

You can read the entire interview (which is great) HERE!

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